Top 16 Hidden Treasures: Surprising Discoveries That Inspired Netflix Documentaries!

7. The Oldest Skull of a Homo Erectus

Location: South Africa's Drimolen Paleo Cave System, Johannesburg The year 2020 was found. Estimated Value (Human Remains): N/A The bones of ancient humans were found by palaeontologists in South Africa when they were excavating the million-year-old Drimolen Cave System. 900 early human bones and fossils have been found in the primaeval caverns, though none are as old as the fractured skull that was found in 2020.

The Oldest Skull of Homo Erectus Commons/public domain/ A fragment of a Homo erectus skull dating back two million years was discovered by researchers searching the tunnels.Compared to other H. erectus fossil discoveries, this one was hundreds of thousands of years older. For scientists, this was an amazing discovery because it shed light on the length of human evolution.