Top 16 Hidden Treasures: Surprising Discoveries That Inspired Netflix Documentaries!

5. Irish-found Australian wallabies

Location: Ireland's County Dublin Discovered in the 1950s and 1960s Estimated Value: N/A Macrofauna native to Australia and New Guinea are called wallabies. Originally from those regions, they made their way to Ireland and are now doing well on the isolated island off the coast of County Dublin.

Discovered in Ireland: Australian Wallabies ©Shutterstock/Martin Pelanek These surprising Australian natives settled on the island when the Barings, a well-known and rich family, decided they wanted to raise kids in Ireland. Rupert, the son of the Barings, had intended to create a zoo at the time, but his ideas had been mishandled. The wallabies were therefore relocated to an island where they are now free to roam instead of ever being kept in cages.