Top 15 Household Items to Toss After Their Due Date

10. Cosmetics

Ends in: six months $10* is the average price. Makeup enthusiasts are frequently guilty of purchasing a few products and then not using them all within the allotted period. Maybe it's mascara for regular wear or lipstick for special occasions. We have news for you, despite the seductive belief that these products should only be thrown away once they run out.

Cosmetics © Shutterstock/Daria Minaeva The amount you paid at the drugstore should have been more. It is recommended that numerous makeup items be replaced or thrown out every six months, regardless of the amount still in the pot. Make sure to throw out the mascara wand first because bacteria adore them. Lipstick lasts a year, which is a little longer than most other items, but after that, it's time to ditch it and visit Sephora. Since these products come into contact with your face's delicate skin, cleanliness is of the utmost importance when handling cosmetics.

11. Fuel

Ends in: six months * Average Cost per Gallon: $2.3 For those days when you're in a hurry and can't make it to the gas station in time, it's a smart idea to have an extra can of gas in the garage. But rather than sitting behind the idle mountain bikes for years, they must be used up in six months.

Fuel ©Shutterstock / Sergey Novikov Additionally, according to some experts, fuel inside a car should be used completely within 30 to 60 days to avoid damaging the engine. In contrast, diesel does not spoil in a can when kept for up to a year. Regardless of the fuel you use, remember when you bought it and replace it with a new can as soon as that time comes. When it's only a few dollars a gallon, the damage it could do to your car is not worth it.