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The value of keeping up with consumable product expiration dates is instilled in us as consumers from a young age. There are many home items that can expire outside of the pantry. We simply aren't aware of it.
The safety of a product is equally as important as what you put in your mouth. Some basics don't last as long as we think they do, while simple things that we assumed we would only buy once can deteriorate over time. It is a minefield when it comes to expiration dates. Make sure your products are in the safe zone by reading on.
Nobody wants to be caught using toothpaste that is past its expiration date or washing their clothing with out-of-date detergent, after all. After the purchase, you may find that you have far less time than you initially believed.
1. A moisturizing agent
Ends in: Two Years
$12* is the average price.
How many of us have been guilty of overstuffing our toiletry bags with cosmetics for far longer than is necessary? Lotions and moisturizers that you received two Christmases ago may still smell and look nice. More importantly, though, are they still in good health?

Shutterstock, LightField Studios and Moisturizer
These items have a limited shelf life. After two years, lotions in pump pots or tubes should be thrown out, but those in tubs and pots might serve as bacterial havens. To be safe, always wash your hands before using them and change them every three to six months.
Nobody wants their face to be covered in nasty things when they're attempting to look smooth and wrinkle-free. It kind of misses the mark and won't do anything to prevent the aging process. Furthermore, depending on what you get, moisturizers can be a little pricey, so it's critical to make the most of your investment.