These Are the Most Expensive Military Vehicles in the World

5. Vespa 150 TAP – France

Producer: ACMA The French Army is the main user. Price: *$7,500* Undoubtedly, one of the more distinctive-looking cars on our list is the Vespa 150 TAP. Originally designed for French parachutists, it was based on a Vespa scooter from the 1950s. It was made by ACMA, which at the time was the authorized Vespa assembler in France.

Vespa 150 TAP © The 150 TAP was equipped with a mounted M20 75mm recoil rifle, an American-made light anti-armor weapon. The weapon's HEAT warhead allowed it to pierce through 100mm of armor despite its lighter weight in comparison to a 75mm cannon. Both the scooters and the two-man squad were dropped by parachute. One Vespa was used to carry the gun, and the other to carry the ammunition.

6. Kugelpanzer – Japan

Producer: Not Known Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire (Kwantung Army) are the main users. Price: not specified The German word "Kugelpanzer" means "spherical tank," and that is precisely what the Kugelpanzer was. During World War II and the Sino-Japanese War, Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire (also known as the Kwantung Army) employed the round tank, a one-man armored vehicle.

Kugelpanzer via Pinterest: @mach5hk The history of the Kugelpanzer is a little unclear. Apart from the fact that the Japanese really only utilized one, not much is known. Because there are no records for the machine and the only surviving model is in tattered condition, it remains a mystery. With only 5mm of armor, the 1.8-ton vehicle was only employed for minor recon missions. Other than that, not much is known.