Affordable Consumer Drones Capture Incredible Views

6. Warehouse Fire

Potential Drone: PowerVision The Power Egg Wizard Purchase Location: Best Buy Expense: $1,146* Byron du Bois won the Drone Awards in 2018 as a runner-up after capturing "Warehouse Fire." The smoke-filled fire in Transnet's warehouse was depicted in Du Bois' "Warehouse Fire." The results of the investigation into the fire indicate that Transnet, a South African railway corporation, neglected to service the fire hydrants.

Byron du Bois/ Fire The warehouse fire originated in Rossburgh, but the smoke from it covered all of Durban. Firefighters spent days working in this frantic situation. It's unclear which drone Du Bois preferred, but it's likely that he used something like the PowerVision PowerEgg Wizard, a potent outside drone that could take the picture without requiring Du Bois to approach the horrifying scene.